Best D3 Coding Convention —Subjective practice proven through years of work

David B.
11 min readJan 19, 2024

Hi there, I am David, a data visualization engineer with almost a decade of experience working on visual analytics-intensive full-stack products.

In this article, I want to share my thoughts about working with d3 and what approach worked for me consistently throughout the years.

Working with d3 can shortly go out of hand in terms of code organization. While d3 is very flexible, in my practice, people working with d3 are having a quite hard time when trying to have a well-organized code and still want to tick all of the boxes, that modern web applications demand.

Those are:

  • Visualization should be responsive
  • Visualization should be updatable when new data comes
  • Visualization should be easily integrable with the major frontend frameworks like Svelte, React, Angular, and Vue.
  • Visualization should be easily usable by other users
  • Easily debuggable and customizable

In this article, I will link the D3.js boilerplate I am using and explain every part of it.

This is how we can use it

This is an example line chart using this convention

  • It’s responsive
  • It’s updatable with the new data
  • It’s easily customizable and playable by mid-users using controls

Let’s explain every piece of this boilerplate:

1/5 — Chainable state setting and getting

The first part of the boilerplate is the following:

       // Defining state attributes
const attrs = {
id: "ID" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000),
svgWidth: 400,
svgHeight: 200,
marginTop: 5,
marginBottom: 5,
marginRight: 5,
marginLeft: 5,
container: "body",
defaultTextFill: "#2C3E50",
defaultFont: "Helvetica",
data: null,
chartWidth: null,
chartHeight: null,
firstRender: true,
guiEnabled: false,

// Defining accessors
this.getState = () => attrs;
this.setState = (d) => Object.assign(attrs, d);

// Automatically generate getter and setters for chart object based on the state properties;
Object.keys(attrs).forEach((key) => {
this[key] = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return attrs[key];
attrs[key] = _;
return this;

We are saving all state information in attrs object. By state I mean the data which is needed to be stored between chart renders.

ID — A unique enough number, which sometimes is needed to be used within the chart. For example when we draw multiple charts on the same page and we need to use anything related to defs tag

svgWidth — this variable is automatically set within the boilerplate and it fits into the chart container. This process is what makes the chart responsive

svgHeight — Variable to be used for controlling the height of the chart. I usually set a fixed number to this since usually we don’t have or need responsive heights for visualizations, they mostly stay fixed height for different screen sizes.

marginTop, marginLeft, marginRight, marginBottom — as the name suggests, they are responsible for margins. Negative margins are also supported.

container — chart container element. CSS selector string and actual HTML element are both supported

defaultTextFill, defaultFont — Responsible for setting chart-wide text color and font family

data — actual data of the chart, does not have any default set since it varies greatly

chartWidth, chartHeight — this is set automatically after taking margins into consideration, these are width and height variables we are working with mostly throughout the chart.

firstRender — also set automatically and it’s a boolean variable that is true when the render happens the first time but becomes false on subsequent redraws. It’s useful when we want to save state properties only once. For example, usually, zoom behavior is only declared once, and subsequent redraw does not redeclare thanks to this variable

guiEnabled — helper variable which dynamically creates a configuration for each property defined in attrs object. This is helpful when the client wants to try different settings very often. For example in my practice clients usually ask to try different fonts, colors, or font sizes. By giving them the ability to play with config directly on the page, you will save so much time and in the end, they can provide the actual values which we can then set as a default. And most importantly everyone is happy.

this.getState = () => attrs;
this.setState = (d) => Object.assign(attrs, d);

These are just helper methods which are used to retrieve the current state or specific state properties

// Automatically generate getter and setters for chart object based on the state properties;
Object.keys(attrs).forEach((key) => {
this[key] = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return attrs[key];
attrs[key] = _;
return this;

And this is probably the most important piece. Above code:

  • Takes attrs object and converts each property to a class method
  • If the state object method is invoked with one argument, it sets it as a state. and if invoked without an argument gets that state.
  • If state is being set, it’s also possible to chain several methods

For example, let’s say we defined a new chart

chart = new Chart()

If we want to set the new data, svgHeight, and marginLeft, we could do the following

.data(newData) // Argument passed, so it's a setter

If we want to get the current data, svgHeight or marginLeft, or even the complete state we could do the following

let currentData =; // No argument, so it's a getter
let currentHeight = chart.svgHeight();
let marginLeft = chart.marginLeft();

// We can also directly get above variables from the state
let currentState = chart.getState();
let dataState =;
let heightState = currentState.svgHeight;
let marginState = currentState.marginLeft;

This is a very powerful convention and it saves so much time and effort.

2/5 — Reusable Code

When working with d3 , most examples written out here are using append method. Using append multiple times without following enter, exit, update, and join conventions results re — adding elements, which quickly becomes a main source of problems.

A recent d3 version introduced join which is a nice way to get around the above issue. Before that we had to use enter, exit, and update patterns which were more cumbersome to use.

While I recommend using join where possible, I am personally using a custom method added to the d3 prototype

// Custom enter exit update pattern initialization (prototype method)
 initializeEnterExitUpdatePattern() {
d3.selection.prototype._add = function (params) {
var container = this;
var className = params.className;
var elementTag = params.tag;
var data = || [className];
var exitTransition = params.exitTransition || null;
var enterTransition = params.enterTransition || null;
// Pattern in action
var selection = container.selectAll("." + className).data(data, (d, i) => {
if (typeof d === "object") {
if ( {
return i;
if (exitTransition) {
} else {

const enterSelection = selection.enter().append(elementTag);
if (enterTransition) {
selection = enterSelection.merge(selection);
selection.attr("class", className);
return selection;

To understand what this code does, I’ll show you 3 examples doing the same thing.

Let’s say we want to add a g element to SVG and then 2 circles to that g element. And we still need to have 1 g and 2 circles when that code is re-executed

The wrong way

let circlesData = [

let g = svg.append('g')


This approach will create a g element and circles on each code execution. So after 10x execution, we will have 10 g elements and 20 circle elements, which is not what we want at all.

The better correct way

let circlesData = [

let g = svg


This will make sure that on every rerender we only have 1 g and 2 circles element

The old and still correct way

let circlesData = [

// G enter exit update
let gSelection = svg

let gEnter = gSelection.enter('g')


let g = gSelection.merge(gEnter)

// Circle enter exit update
let itemSelection = g

let itemEnter = itemSelection.enter('circle')



This will also make sure that on every rerender we will only have 1 g and 2 circles element

The method from my convention and still correct

let circlesData = [

let g = svg._add({


As you can see my version is still correct and a bit shorter than others, which is enough reason for me to keep using this approach over join .

Under the hood, this method also automatically tracks objects with an id property (if a bound object has any) instead of default index tracking of d3, which is again more useful than the default.

3/5 — Drawing Body

Everything starts with the render method

  render() {
return this;

All the methods have self-explainable names but we’ll go through each of them anyway

addChartGui() {
const { guiEnabled, firstRender } = this.getState()
console.log({ guiEnabled, firstRender })
if (!guiEnabled || !firstRender) return;
if (typeof lil == 'undefined') return;
const gui = new lil.GUI()
const state = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.getState()))
const propChanged = () => {
supportedKeys.forEach(k => {
this.setState({ [k]: state[k] })
const supportedKeys = Object.keys(state)
.filter(k =>
typeof state[k] == 'number' ||
typeof state[k] == 'string' ||
typeof state[k] == 'boolean'

.filter(d => !['guiEnabled', 'firstRender'].includes(d))
supportedKeys.forEach(key => {
gui.add(state, key).onChange(d => {


This code creates GUI config properties dynamically from attrs state object

setDynamicContainer() {
const attrs = this.getState();

//Drawing containers
var d3Container =;
var containerRect = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect();
if (containerRect.width > 0) attrs.svgWidth = containerRect.width;"resize." +, ()=> {
var containerRect = d3Container.node().getBoundingClientRect();
if (containerRect.width > 0) attrs.svgWidth = containerRect.width;

this.setState({ d3Container });

This code is what makes visualization responsive. It adds a listener to resize events, calculates and saves container width, and rerenders the graph.

calculateProperties() {
const {
} = this.getState();

//Calculated properties
var calc = {
id: null,
chartTopMargin: null,
chartLeftMargin: null,
chartWidth: null,
chartHeight: null
}; = "ID" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000); // id for event handlings
calc.chartLeftMargin = marginLeft;
calc.chartTopMargin = marginTop;
const chartWidth = svgWidth - marginRight - calc.chartLeftMargin;
const chartHeight = svgHeight - marginBottom - calc.chartTopMargin;

this.setState({ calc, chartWidth, chartHeight });

This method is responsible for calculating and storing mostly margin and width-related variables. It can be extended with other calculations too

    drawSvgAndWrappers() {
const {
} = this.getState();

// Draw SVG
const svg = d3Container
tag: "svg",
className: "svg-chart-container"
.attr("width", svgWidth)
.attr("height", svgHeight)
.attr("font-family", defaultFont);

//Add container g element
var chart = svg
tag: "g",
className: "chart"
"translate(" + calc.chartLeftMargin + "," + calc.chartTopMargin + ")"

this.setState({ chart, svg });

This method creates svg and also chart elements. We will almost always use a chart wrapper for adding visualization elements. In many d3 examples, they would add a new g wrapper element and were calling it SVG which does not make much sense since it does not have anything related to SVG and was confusing. Just something to be aware of.

   drawRects() {
const { chart, data, chartWidth, chartHeight } = this.getState();

tag: "rect",
selector: "rect-sample",
data: [data]
.attr("width", chartWidth)
.attr("height", chartHeight)
.attr("fill", (d) => d.color);

Just a placeholder method where actual drawing happens. We could name it accordingly depending on visualizations. Like drawLines or drawAreas e.t.c

4/5 — Usage

What makes this boilerplate class great is how simple its usage is and how fast can you customize and extend it with additional features.

To start using it, you can just create a new instance of the chart

let chart = new Chart()

You can start filling in necessary state info along the way, asynchronously. For example, Suppose we want to first download data and then set and render it.


Suppose after some time you want to change the data and rerender the graph with the new data, this is how you can achieve that

As you can see exposed part of the graph is quite easy to use and yet still powerful, fully customizable, and controllable in runtime.

5/5 — Integration

Above mentioned features make it quite easy to integrate d3 charts into mainstream frontend libraries.

The common rule for them is the following:

  • Get DOM element reference
  • Use that element and data to create a reference for the chart
  • Listen to changes and rerender the graph with new data

Let’s see the above rule in practice.

1/4. Svelte

import { onMount } from 'svelte';

import { Chart } from './chart.d3.js';

export let data = {
name: 'test',
color: 'red'

let chart;
let chartContainer;

$: {
if (chart) {; // 3. Listen to changes and rerender the graph with new data

onMount(() => {
// 2. use DOM element and data to create a chart reference
chart = new Chart(data)

<!--1. Get DOM element reference -->
<div bind:this={chartContainer} />

Svelte usage

import ChartSample from "ChartSample.svelte"
import {useState} from 'react'

let currentData = [

<ChartSample data={currentData}> </ChartSample>

2/4. React

import React, { useLayoutEffect, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Chart } from './chart.d3.js';

export const ChartSample = (props, ref) => {
const d3Container = useRef(null);
const chartRef = useRef(new Chart());
useLayoutEffect(() => {
if ( && d3Container.current) {
}, [, d3Container.current]); // 3. Listen to changes and rerender the graph with new data

return (
{/* Get DOM element reference */}
<div ref={d3Container} />

React Usage

import { ChartSample } from './Chart';

const App = (props) => {
const [currentData, seTCurrentData] = useState([

return (

3/4. Angular


import {
} from '@angular/core';

import { Chart } from './chart.d3.js';

selector: 'app-chart-sample',
templateUrl: './chart.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./chart.component.css']
export class SampleChartComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
// 1. Get DOM element reference -->
@ViewChild('chartContainer') chartContainer: ElementRef;
@Input() data: any[];

constructor() {}

ngOnInit() {}

ngAfterViewInit() {
if (!this.chart) {
this.chart = new Chart();

// 3. Listen to changes and rerender the graph with new data
ngOnChanges() {
updateChart() {
// 2. use DOM element and data to create a chart reference
if (! {
if (!this.chart) {


<!--1.  Get DOM element reference -->
<div #chartContainer id="chartContainer"></div>

Angular usage:

app.module.ts — (SampleChartComponent)

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { SampleChartComponent } from './chart.component';

imports: [BrowserModule, FormsModule],
declarations: [AppComponent, SampleChartComponent],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

app.component.ts — (data setting)

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

selector: 'my-app',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
currentData: null;

ngOnInit() {
).then(data => {
this.currentData = data;


<app-chart-sample [data]="currentData"></app-chart-sample>

4/4 — And finally Vue


import { Chart } from './chart.d3.js';

export default {
// 1. Get DOM element reference -->
template: ` <div ref="svgElementContainer" ></div>`,
name: 'SampleChart',
props: ['data'],
data() {
return {
chartReference: null, // 1. Get DOM element reference -->
watch: {
// 3. Listen to changes and rerender the graph with new data
data(value) {
created() {

methods: {
renderChart(data) {
// 2. use DOM element and data to create a chart reference
if (!this.chartReference) {
this.chartReference = new Chart();

Vue Usage

<SampleChart :data="data"></SampleChart>

import * as d3 from 'd3';
import SampleChart from './Chart.js';

export default {
el: '#App',
data() {
return {
data: null,
components: {
created() {
).then((data) => { = data

As you can see it’s possible to use exactly the same visualization class with different frontend libraries without issues


This template has been my go-to visualization project file boilerplate when starting new visualization projects and it served me quite well.

For years I’ve built hundreds of d3.js-based advanced visualization components using this convention and every time it did the job without any issues, gracefully handling every kind of custom requirements and features I threw at it.

If you are interested in seeing an actual project implementation leveraging this convention you can take a look at the open-source org-chart project

as well as integration examples linked there.

Thanks for reading,

I very much hope it was useful to you.

